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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Photography, Fashion & Jewelry "ONE STOP"

12:15 PM 0 Comments

Tracey Tomtene
Photography ~ Fashion ~ Jewelry.....

I create and hand stamp metal designs with words and phrases greatly inspired by yoga, the sea, travelling and remaining positive. I hand transfer my travel photography, mostly nature related, into jewelry settings and onto wood blocks (leaving only the ink) and print onto wood, metal and canvas and clothing too!

I can personalize a wood block or photo jewel with your own photo as well as stamp any word or phrase onto my metal designs. 

I care very much about the ocean and all its inhabitants and want to be part of the solution to current environmental issues whether it be monetary or by action volunteering my time and living sustainable.  

If you'd like to be notified about discounts and promotions and/or read about my travels, sign up for my newsletter below. I send out updates sporadically, erratically and irregularly but definitely not too often;) Your email address will be protected by fierce tigers!

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Unique with Buttons!

11:37 AM 0 Comments
Mona Ledwin ~ Silicone Molds of Antique buttons


I am a certified PMC (precious metal clay) and Art Clay Silver instructor and have been teaching about eight years. I make most of my own molds for my students to use in classes. Many of the molds are of antique buttons in my personal collection. My students were always asking to buy my molds so I decided I should open an etsy shop that will include the button molds and other related items.

I also make jewelry and do some lampworking, quilting, enameling, wireworking, beading, and more!

Out of this world DESIGNS!

11:31 AM 0 Comments


Karen Handcrafted Jewelry

Handcrafted jewelry made with love...
I am 100 percent disabled. It is hard for me to get out and about so I decided to make a little bit of jewelry to keep me occupied and to give for Christmas gifts. Everyone that saw my stuff wanted to buy it. So I decided hey here is a way I can get back to work and bring in some income and have fun at the same time.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Adding New Molds Weekly!

9:21 PM 0 Comments
We carry several different designs of Breast Cancer molds and this is a new addition to the collection.
We try to add new molds to our 800+ collection weekly and have the biggest selection on Etsy. If you are looking for something that you do not see in our store, send us a message and we will do our best to find what you are looking for.

We also have partnered with a Fine Jewelry designer that can turn any mold we carry into a "One of a kind" creation of your choice.

Sherri Hill