Follow Us @soratemplates

Monday, August 31, 2015

September Contest...NOW

5:22 PM 0 Comments

Welcome to our September Contest.

Amazing Molds 4 You is showcasing a piece of our work this month for the contest. You could be the lucky winner if you just happen to win this "One of a Kind", QUARTZ Peridot .925 Silver Overlay Necklace.
Below in the Framed box is the item 1 lucky winner will receive within a week of winning our September 2015 contest this month.


All the items are measured entirely in inches and some in millimeters 
Pendants include the bail in the measurement.

Our Winner is randomly picked at the end of each month. So, it will not do any good to bribe us! HeeHee

Please visit her store for more beautiful pieces of jewelry as well as hundred's of silicone molds for baking or designing of any kind.

BOGO Sale for the month of September is Buy 3 Get 1 Free Silicone Molds, so stock up now!

Click this graphic below to visit the Contest information page that explains how you can enter this months contest.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


7:58 PM 0 Comments
Stop by our store and grab yourself some BOGO sales in our Silicone Molds and Jewelry sections.

BOGO for the Silicone Molds is Buy 3 Get 1 Free.

BOGO for the Jewelry is Buy 1 Get 1 Free. 

Here is what to do if you would like to join in on these savings:

BOGO Sale for the Silicone Molds, purchase the 3 molds to qualify and at checkout just leave in the message section the URL to the FREE item you would like us to send out with your order.

BOGO Sale for the Jewelry is just as easy. Buy your first item and place the URL for the FREE item in the message box during checkout.

Store Here:


12:14 PM 0 Comments
BOGO Sale: Buy 3 Get 1 Free has landed in our store again and we have also added more items to our store than we can count. 

Looks like to us this equals= HUGE SAVINGS RIGHT NOW.... (molds only)
Place your order paying for your first 3 molds, add the 4th in a message leaving us the URL for the FREE item you are wanting. The Free item has to be of equal or lesser value than your most expensive item.

Visit this link to visit our store and start shopping:

Thanks for stopping by and remember, we are constantly adding to our store and offering BOGO sales throughout, depending on the week!

Friday, August 28, 2015


11:31 AM 0 Comments
What does everyone see in this picture? I see so many faces however one of them is an Owl. I am very curious what you all come up with?

Don't forget that the August contest is over on August 31st so jump into the contest. If you miss this month you can still join next month during our open contest where you can join in even if you have not purchased anything from our store. August and September are the only "Open" months left this year!


Contest link:

Etsy Store





Thursday, August 27, 2015


8:28 PM 0 Comments
It is almost time to pick a winner so join the contest now to be entered.The contest is still running for the month of August, until midnight on the last day!

For August and September we have opened the contest to everyone, not just the who have bought something or made something with our molds. For these 2 months only anyone can join to win.

This is the August Contest Necklace that you could win if you join. Click the link below to see Contest rules and the item you could win!

Good-Luck everyone!

Saturday, August 15, 2015


9:37 PM

I just purchased this ring from and just had to share with all of you because it is the first item I have purchased from them.

Even in our store our "Tree of Life" items sell like hotcakes and this ring is with this as it's focal, a design very unique I must say; and the cost was only $16.99 for and crafted in Rose Gold. I believe this is an 80% discount.

Here is the link to the ring:

They also carry a few different items with this theme.

I am not sure the item will still be available when you see this post because as you know, Zulily only keeps items in stock a short time so they can offer savings up to 90%.

They even offer a $15.00 credit if someone you invite to their store buys something using this code: which is my personal shopper code. If you purchase something you will also receive one.

I am willing to offer a "FREE" contest entry to anyone who uses my Zulily code when purchasing something in their store. Just send me an email if you do and I will place another entry into the contest.

Just for some history...."Tree of Life"

The concept of a tree of life has been used in biologyreligionphilosophy, and mythology. A tree of life is a common motif in various world theologies, mythologies, and philosophies. It alludes to the interconnection of all life on our planet and serves as a metaphor for common descent in the evolutionary sense. The term tree of life may also be used as a synonym for sacred tree.
The tree of knowledge, connecting to heaven and the underworld, and the tree of life, connecting all forms of creation, are both forms of the world tree or cosmic tree, according to the Encyclopædia Britannica, and are portrayed in various religions and philosophies as the same tree.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Rock-Solid Relationships....

5:13 AM 0 Comments

Laura Berman: 
The 3 Things You Need for a Rock-Solid Relationship...

Healthy Relationship Requirement #1: A Strong, Healthy Body

I'm talking about muscle strength. You have got to do your kegels—several hundred a day. Walking around in high heels is also good for your pelvic floor—a group of muscles that holds up your reproductive organs. Having muscle strength there can do wonders for sexual response.

Healthy Relationship Requirement #2: A Creative Spirit

What's so powerful about 50 Shades of Grey? It's not that it's inspiring the libido, it's that it's inspiring women to action by exercising our fantasy muscle. One of the things that's most erotic about the series is the idea of surrender. So many of us are alpha women: We’re working so hard outside and inside the home—we're overtaxed, overstressed and we don't know how to give up control. There's a frustration and a desire we identify with in the book—Anastasia surrenders to Christian Grey because he knows what he's doing. He has her best interests at heart, and he's willing and ready to take control. The way to turn your man into Christian Grey—without the helicopter and a billion dollars—is by surrendering to him.

Look, there are really only two things men want in a relationship: a partner who's going to be engaged with them sexually, and to be doing a good job in the relationship. When we get stuck in the hamster wheel of our lives, we focus more on what he's doing wrong than what he's doing right. Go on a surrender date, where you let him make every decision—what you're going to wear, where you go, how you get there, what you're going to order. What you'll find is that he's much more capable of stepping up than you've given him credit for.

Remember, you can have all the power you want, but you don't have to have all the control. The creative spirit is about not only exercising that fantasy muscle but also making room for it in your life.

If 50 Shades isn't your cup of tea, try the fantasy box. Write down all the things you'd like to try with each other—and make an agreement that neither of you is going to judge. Next, sit down and discuss them, agree on the things you both want to try, get rid of the ones you're not comfortable with—and then pull things out of the fantasy box when you need a little extra spice in the relationship.

Be open to toys as well. Women over 40 need added stimulation, and men shouldn't feel threatened by that. While no human can compete with a machine, I can promise that especially for women, our main sexual organ is our brain. It's the context that stimulates the arousal. Toys are simply a way to keep the passion alive and explore new frontiers together.

Read more:


1:21 AM 0 Comments

All of our molds can be used for but not limited to the following: 

Food (Chocolate, Hard Candy, Butter, Ice Cream, Fudge, Fondant, Ice, Gelatin, Marzipan, Candy Clay, Gum Paste, Royal Icing, Gummy Bears, Poured Sugar, Pastillage, Nougat, Cheese, Pate, Tallow, Edible Cake Decorations and more), Plaster, Artist Clay, Wax, Cement, Casting Resins, Polymer Clay, Melt and Pour Soap, Low Melt Metals, Precious Metal Clay, Candles, Hot and Cold Processed Soap, Hot Melt Glue, they can be used for whatever project you have in mind. The pictures below are the first stages of molding the molds so what y0u see is the mold form on top of the actual molding compound.

Temperatures that all of our molds can be baked at:

Our molds can withstand temperatures as high as 395 degrees F. They are also unaffected and remain pliable when placed in the freezer. All of our molds can be used without Mold release however, just be sure to follow clay baking directions on your clay package. 


Thursday, August 13, 2015


8:46 PM 0 Comments

There are two methods of winning our contests. One being entering a design that has been made using our molds and the other is leaving feedback on items purchased via our Etsy store. Simply leave feedback  regarding items you have purchased in our store in Etsy:

Complete the following:
1. Send out a Tweet regarding our Etsy store with its URL so people can find the store. If you do not have a Twitter account then you can blog a message or use whatever means you have to send out a message regarding our store and then leave a message on our Etsy mail so that we know where you have done this.

2. Do you have a Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram or any other Social Media outlet, post a message with our Etsy store URL about the item you purchased from our store.

3. Make sure that you follow this blog, you can find the sign-up on the main page on the left side top.

Join our August giveaway starting now and will run through the end of August. A winner will be randomly chosen the 1st of every month and the winning item will be shipped to winner within a week. Each month we will be giving away a custom designed Jewelry item that is an original and it will contain savings coupons to our store.

Just submit your contact information such as website, Etsy Stores etc. The winner will have their websites and stores added to our blog and will remain there as long as their store is open.

Also, you can email one of us and send along the information as well. If you email us you can send along an item you have designed and we will showcase the item with your contact information.